- Download & unpack APCu
# Edit the APCu version as needed. $ APCU_VERSION='5.1.15'; \ curl -s https://pecl.php.net/get/apcu-${APCU_VERSION}.tgz | tar xzvf - && \ cd apcu-${APCU_VERSION}
- phpize with PHP7, then configure, make, and copy into the extension directory
# Edit PHP_VERSION as needed. $ export PHP_VERSION='7.1'; \ /usr/local/php$(echo $PHP_VERSION | tr -d '.')/bin/phpize && \ ./configure && \ make && \ mkdir -p ~/.php/${PHP_VERSION}/extensions && \ cp modules/apcu.so ${HOME}/.php/${PHP_VERSION}/extensions
- Enable the extension in the corresponding
file:$ echo "extension='${HOME}/.php/${PHP_VERSION}/extensions/apcu.so'" >> ${HOME}/.php/${PHP_VERSION}/phprc
- Kill
processes to force config reload:$ killall -9 php$(echo $PHP_VERSION | tr -d '.').cgi
Thank you, that works perfectly on Dreamhost! :)
For me, on php 7.2, I needed to make a change:
When I ran "./configure && \" I got an error that php-config is misssing, so I had to run:
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php72/bin/php-config && \
Also, the first line of that same step is /usr/local/php72/bin/phpize && \
Interesting. It worked for me as-is with PHP7.2.
It's not working on PHP7.3, though. Appears to be an issue with APCu BC, and I was unable to install both of them in a way that worked.
Thanks for these awesome directions!
I just wanted to echo what David said, I got the same error: "configure: error: Cannot find php-config. Please use --with-php-config=PATH"
So I replaced the line with the line he had posted:
./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php72/bin/php-config && \
I'm sorry that I couldn't figure out how line breaks worked, I tried html and a bbcode BR and neither worked, neither did single or double spacing return a line break. Now it's just one long line hard to read comment. :(
Anyways, This should be a DreamHost wiki page!